Terms and Conditions of Membership
1.1 Introduction
By purchasing membership, using our social media platforms, websites, attending events, camps and activities or even wearing UKSN merchandise you
automatically agree to our constitution, anti bullying policy, child protection policy, privacy policy, terms of service, and code of conduct which includes:
1. The UKSN code of conduct
2. The camping and caravan exemption code of conduct
3. The countryside code
4. The seashore code
5. Example Risk Assessment
The constitution, anti bullying policy, child protection policy, privacy policy, terms of service, and code of conduct documents can be found within the files section of the membership dashboard. Please take time to read before becoming an active member of the UKSN Community. If you do not agree, please contact us at your earliest convenience. If you have not messaged us within 7 days, we will take that as an automatic agreement. Be aware that UKSN membership is non refundable.
1.2 General UKSN Code of Conduct
- Do not engage in actions which would bring UKSN into disrepute.
- Respect members and their views.
- Be mindful of ‘swear words’ or any language that could be considered vulgar, blasphemous, inflammatory or offensive.
- Any discriminatory behaviour, harassment, threats or victimisation will not be tolerated.
- Treat UKSN / private property whether material or intangible, with respect and care.
- All members are expected to show integrity and professionalism when representing UKSN. This includes when wearing UKSN merchandise.
- Agree to follow any instructions given by UKSN staff, mods, admin, volunteers or instructors.
1.3 Social Media
- Do not engage in actions which would bring UKSN into disrepute.
- Treat all members with respect.
- Respect all members' views even if they are different to yours.
- No trolling or bullying.
- There is no place for negative comments or views which undermine the UKSN.
- Discrimination is not tolerated. UKSN believes we are all equal irrespective of race, colour, ethnicity, nationality, faith, sexual orientation, political stance, social class or disability.
- Do not use swear words or any language that could be considered vulgar, blasphemous, inflammatory or offensive.
- Avoid controversial issues including religious or political posts / comments.
- Do not post any material that could be deemed illegal.
- Do not disclose any confidential material or personal details.
- No 3rd party promotions, adverts or spam unless agreed in advance with a UKSN representative.
- Abide by copyright and intellectual property laws.
- Do not block UKSN Admin or Mods.
- An Admin / Mods word is final.
1.5 Sales and Trades - Buying
- If you're interested in an item please REPLY to the post/advert.
- First comment on a sale with either "I will take? " or "Pm Sent for?" or "claim for?" etc for items wanted, gets first refusal.
- We recommend paying with Paypal Goods, not Friends and Family. If you pay Friends and Family, it is at your own risk. We can not be liable for any
deals that go wrong.
- You have one hour to contact the seller and make payment. If longer is needed to make payment, please PM the seller within the hour to make
1.6 Sales and Trades - Postage
- Postage is to be agreed between the seller and buyer. We highly recommend using a recorded service to ensure both are covered.
- Collection of items should be agreed between buyer and seller, but should be ‘claimed’ as above.
1.7 Sales and Trades (Facebook)
- Sales and trades are only allowed in the Main Facebook group on Sundays.
- All items for sale should be added as a COMMENT in the post.
Pixlfox Ltd/UKSN hold no responsibility for items sold within UKSN. The contract is held solely between buyer and seller.
1.8 Knives / Axes / Tools
- Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to carry knives at any UKSN events.
- Keep knives / axes sheathed and out of the way of younger children or those who are not trained to use such tools.
1.9 Campsites / Events
- Be courteous to site staff, UKSN staff, instructors, members, non members and other campers.
- Leave toilet facilities as you would expect to find them.
- Leave no trace: Remove all traces of your tent pitch and any litter.
- Avoid lighting ground fires and use fire pits or stoves.
- Extinguish fires after use and do not leave unattended.
- Respect others and keep the ‘volume’ down after 10pm.
- No undue movement of vehicles.
- No open carry of knives (unless the site allows).
- No fireworks, sparklers or lanterns.
- No pets unless advertised.
- Any damage must be reported to the campsite site office.
- Children must not be left unsupervised at any time.
- Follow any site rules.
1.10 Wild Camping
- Obtain permission from the land owner. Wild camping is illegal in most areas of the UK.
- If asked by a landowner to move on, do so respectively without argument.
- Large groups should use official campsites.
- Pitch your camp late in the evening and leave early in the morning.
- Leave no trace: Remove all traces of your tent pitch, litter and any open fire.
- Avoid lighting fires if possible and ensure fires are extinguished properly and not left unattended.
- Toileting should be well away from any water source or path (30m or more) with waste buried at least 15 cm deep.
- Paper and sanitary items should not be buried as animals will dig them up. They should be bagged up and carried out.
- Do not use streams or rivers for washing with soaps or detergent. Take a small bowl, use eco-friendly products and dispose of this away from
- Do not cause any pollution.
- Avoid damage to vegetation, wildlife, geological and man-made features.
- Respect others and keep the ‘volume’ down.
2 Camping & Caravan Exemption Code of Conduct
Applicable to any site operating utilising UKSN’s exemption certificate.
2.1 General
- One named member of the organisation (“the responsible person”) is to be responsible for the conduct of any camping event and for ensuring that
members attending comply with this code.
- The organisation will use every endeavour not to camp on any site for more than 42 consecutive days or 60 days in any 12 consecutive months. The
organisation also will endeavour not to camp on any site being used for camping by other organisations holding camping exemption certificates, if the site would thereby be used for camping for more than 42 consecutive days or 60 days in 12 consecutive months.
- The responsible person should be aware of the Country Code, the Seashore Code and the Caravan Code.
2.2 Venue
- The organisation will take reasonable steps to satisfy itself that the site proposed for an exempted camping event is not subject to a direction under
article 4 of the 1995 Order (if it is, express planning permission is required), and is not one where planning permission has been refused or where
enforcement action has been taken.
- The organisation will agree to move from and avoid any site to which the local authority objects.
- The organisation will take reasonable steps to ensure that the siting of tents does not unduly interfere with the activities of local people, their privacy or
their enjoyment of their property and that the siting of tents does not interfere with the enjoyment by others of the landscape, natural beauty or nature
conservation value of the area, particularly in areas designated for their landscape or wildlife qualities.
2.3 Nuisance
- Local people should be able to carry on their normal activities when camping is in progress. The organisation will take reasonable steps to minimise
disturbance and will investigate and deal with the causes of any complaint.
- Care should be taken not to damage the site and the surrounding locality. Trees, fences, buildings, equipment and stock should be respected.
- Domestic animals belonging to members of the organisation will be kept on a lead, under close control. They will not be allowed to run loose on the site
or cause disturbance to local people or animals. They will be exercised away from tents and parts of the site used for communal activities and any mess
will be picked up.
- The responsible person will identify a suitable open space for any games that might otherwise intrude on or constitute a danger or annoyance to campers
or others on or around the site.
- Noise will be kept to a minimum for the comfort of other campers on the site as well as people who live or work nearby.
2.4 Safety and Spacing
- The speed of vehicles on the site will be restricted to 5mph.
- Units will be well spaced and sited so that they do not restrict access to, or exit from any unit or the area in case of emergencies.
- Emergency vehicles must be able to get access to any tent on the site.
- Any caravans must be kept entirely separate from tents.
2.5 Fire Precautions
- Open fires and barbecues will not be held except with the permission of the responsible person. Where permission is given for open fires or barbecues, they will be sited on open ground, away from tents, awnings and any other structures.
- A British Standards Institute approved fire extinguisher will be held on Site.
2.6 Chemical Toilets and Waste Water Disposal
- Organisations will act responsibly when disposing of the contents of chemical toilets and waste water and take full account of the need to safeguard
water supplies and prevent the pollution of rivers and streams.
- On-site disposal of the contents of chemical toilets and waste water will be in accordance with arrangements agreed with the landowner. Neither will be
allowed to foul the ground except at designated disposal points. If there is any doubt about the disposal of waste, the organisation or, if appropriate, the
responsible person will contact the relevant local authority for advice.
2.7 Refuse Disposal
- The responsible person will take steps to ensure that refuse is either taken home or disposed of in accordance with on-site arrangements and that the
site is clear of litter at the end of any period of camping.
3 Countryside Code
The Country Code is a standard set of guidelines for members of the public, to ensure respect and enjoyment in the countryside.
The five points of the Countryside Code are:
3.1 Be safe, plan ahead and follow any signs
- Take maps/guidebooks
- Be prepared for changes in weather
- Check the weather so you know what to expect
- Let someone know where you are going, how long you plan to be
- Learn signs and symbols used in the countryside
3.2 Leave gates and property as you find them
- Farmers may leave gates open to allow their animals to move - so leave an open gate open, and a closed gate closed
- Contact the local authority if you see a sign which may be misleading or illegal (e.g. Private, no entry - on a public footpath)
- Follow paths where crops are growing
- Use gates or stiles if possible, rather than climbing walls or fences, to avoid damage
- Don't disturb ruins or historic sites
- Don't interfere with machinery or livestock
3.3 Protect plants and animals and take your litter home
- Litter and leftover food spoils the beauty of the countryside
- Don't damage, destroy or remove features such as rocks, plants and trees
- Give wild animals and farm animals plenty of space as they can behave unpredictably
- Be careful not to drop matches or smouldering cigarettes.
3.4 Keep dogs under close control
- By law, you must control your dog so that it does not disturb or scare farm animals or wildlife Farmers are, by law, entitled to destroy a dog that injures
or worries their animals
- Always clean up after your dog and get rid of the mess responsibly
3.5 Consider other people
- Respect the needs of local people.
- When riding a bike or driving a vehicle, slow down for horses, walkers and livestock and give them plenty of room.
- By law, cyclists must give way to walkers and horse-riders on bridleways.
- Support the rural economy - for example, buy your supplies from local shops.
4 The Seashore Code
4.1 Respect our Coastal Wildlife
- Try to leave everything as you find it.
- Tread carefully on the rocky shore to minimise impact on coastal wildlife.
- Avoid putting coastal birds to flight between 1 October and 31 March, especially at high tide or at night.
- Stay clear of the main bird roost areas between 1 October and 31 March, and the summer breeding grounds between 1 April and 31 July on the shingle beaches by the lagoons.
4.2 Consider our Coastline and other users
- Take your rubbish home and report any potential hazards.
- Try to avoid damaging rocks, especially on the lower shore, where the chalk is most fragile.
- Dont block public access or right of way and use official car parks where possible.
- Only authorised vehicles are allowed to use the foreshore or promenades.
- Respect the rights of all other users.
4.3 Stay safe
- Check tide times to avoid being cut off from the shore and tell someone where you’re going.
- Check bay signs for activity zones, bylaws and local beach safety information.
- Be aware of local hazards and conditions.
- Take care near cliffs and don’t throw anything over the edge.
- Beware of walking on slippery rocks, slopes or near the edge of promenades.
- Keep away from soft sand and mud.
4.4 Be environmentally friendly
- Volunteer to help on 'beach-cleans' and support environmental campaigns if possible.
- Buy postcards, books or posters of marine creatures - instead of 'marine curios' such as shells and starfish, which may have been alive when collected.
- Buy products and produce that do not harm the environment, such as environmentally friendly detergents or locally caught (non endangered) fish.
- Remember to recycle and dispose of your waste properly - remember car oil, paints and solvents all need special land-based disposal and plastics should not be flushed down with bathroom waste
5 Charters
Charters automatically agree to the Charter Agreement, UKSN code of conduct and all other relevant governing documents that are currently in operation or may be introduced in the future. Charters additionally agree to enforce all related UKSN rules and regulations related to membership of the Charter. For More information please refer to the Region and Charter Important Information Guide.
Charters agree to the following:
The Charter and its leaders, volunteers, instructors, members and any third parties being used by the Charter agree to operate under UKSNs guidance.
Charter leaders will ensure that all members of the Charter have read and agree to all applicable rules and regulations. not limited to the UKSN Constitution, Code of Conduct, Child Protection Policy, and Anti Bullying Policy.
The Charter will NEVER bring UKSN into disrepute and will only promote the organisation in a positive manner.
The Charter and its members will NOT hold UKSN/Pixlfox Ltd liable for any incidents, accidents, deaths or damages relating to Charter operation.
The Charter and its members will not hold UKSN/Pixlfox Ltd accountable for any 'loss' of data or personal information arising from a data breach.
The Charter and its members will NOT create a separate public Charter Facebook group, and will only use digital platforms authorised by UKSN such as WhatsApp to communicate with Charter members.
Charters will NOT undertake any dangerous, questionable or illegal activities, and if unsure will seek advice from UKSN and/or the relevant authorities.
Charters will ensure that all members hold the appropriate UKSN membership.
Charters will ensure that they conduct risk assessments and have the appropriate insurance, training, and first aid cover where deemed necessary.
If handing money for events or training, you agree to do so in line with any relevant legislation, and only use the funds to further the Charter and its goals.
You may not charge membership subs, but members can donate money to purchase relevant kit for your Charter. This can be done on a monthly, or ad hoc basis - as agreed by your Charter members.
No flags, physical patches, clothing, or merchandise can be produced and/or manufactured by any unauthorised third party. All Charter merchandise or apparel has to be explicitly purchased via UKSN/Pixlfox. This is to guarantee cross Charter uniformity, quality, and generate funding for the network.
In certain circumstances UKSN may grant exception to the rule. Please contact us for further information.
By becoming a UKSN member you agree to all relevant information set out in the base UKSN General Risk Assessment, and will help mitigate any potential issues. You also agree to follow any additional information issued by whoever is operating the camp or event. Charter Leaders additionally agree to conduct regular risk assessments.