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UKSN Bushcraft Basics: Water Purification Methods and Techniques

Updated: Jul 11

When venturing into the wilderness, ensuring a safe and clean water source is crucial for your hydration and well-being. While natural water sources may appear pristine, they can harbour harmful bacteria, parasites, or other contaminants.

Bushcraft Basics Water Purification Feature Image

Top Water Purification Methods & Techniques


Boiling water is one of the simplest and most effective methods of water purification. Bring the water to a rolling boil for at least one minute (or three minutes at higher altitudes) to kill most pathogens. Allow the water to cool before consuming.

Water Filtration:

Water filtration is a reliable method for removing impurities and microorganisms from water. Use portable water filters designed for outdoor use such as  a Lifesaver Bottle or Jerrycan. Look for filters that can effectively remove bacteria, protozoa, and other common contaminants. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper usage and maintenance.

Chemical Treatment:

Chemical water treatment options, such as water purification tablets or drops, can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Follow the instructions on the packaging regarding dosage and contact time. Be aware that chemical treatments may not be effective against certain protozoa or cryptosporidium.

Improvised Charcoal Filter:

In a survival situation, you can create an improvised charcoal filter to help remove some impurities from water. Use layers of charcoal, sand, and small pebbles in a container to filter water. This method is best for filtering sediment and larger particles but may not eliminate all pathogens.

Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS):

Solar water disinfection, also known as SODIS, is a method that utilises sunlight to kill pathogens in clear plastic bottles. Fill a clear bottle with water and place it in direct sunlight for at least six hours (or two days if cloudy). This method is most effective in sunny regions.

Natural Filtration:

Take advantage of natural filtration methods by using natural materials like sand, gravel, and cloth to strain and filter water. Constructing a simple sand and gravel filter or using a cloth as a strainer can help remove larger particles and improve water quality.

Collecting Rainwater:

Rainwater is generally considered safe to drink if collected properly. Use a clean container to collect rainwater during rainfall. Be mindful of the collection surface and avoid areas with potential contaminants, such as roofs treated with chemicals or bird droppings.


Remember to assess the water source's suitability before applying purification methods. If possible, choose flowing water sources like streams or rivers, as they are less likely to be contaminated. Always prioritise safety and be cautious of waterborne illnesses when in doubt.

Share your experiences, tips, and preferred methods of bushcraft water purification with the community. Discuss different scenarios and water sources to foster knowledge and preparedness for safe hydration in the wilderness. Stay hydrated and explore with confidence! 


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