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Top 10 Items to Barter If SHTF in the UK: Essential Goods for Survival and Trade

In a scenario where societal systems break down, commonly referred to as "SHTF" (S**t Hits The Fan), traditional currency might lose its value, and bartering could become the primary method of acquiring goods and services. In the UK, where firearms and ammunition are not as prevalent, it's essential to focus on items that will be useful and in demand during such times.

Top 10 items to barter if SHTF in the UK feature image

Here are the top 10 items to consider for bartering if SHTF:

Fire Starters and Lighters

The ability to start a fire is crucial for warmth, cooking, and sanitation. Fire starters, lighters, and matches will be incredibly valuable. These items are compact, lightweight, and essential for survival, making them prime candidates for bartering.


Alcohol serves multiple purposes beyond drinking. It can be used for disinfection, as a fuel source, and even for medicinal purposes. Small bottles of spirits or rubbing alcohol will be highly sought after, making them excellent bartering goods.

Water Purification Supplies

Safe drinking water is a basic necessity. Water purification tablets, filters, and even simple items like bleach (when used properly) can be traded for other essential goods. These items ensure access to clean water, which is invaluable in a crisis.

First Aid Supplies

Medical supplies are always in demand during emergencies. Bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and other first aid items are crucial for treating injuries and maintaining health. Stockpiling these can provide a significant advantage in a barter economy.

Food and Seeds

Non-perishable food items such as canned goods, rice, beans, and dried foods are vital. Additionally, seeds for growing fruits and vegetables can be highly valuable, as they offer a means for sustainable food production and self-sufficiency.

Hygiene Products

Personal hygiene items like soap, toothpaste, sanitary products, and toilet paper will be essential. These products help maintain cleanliness and prevent illness, making them crucial for any bartering situation.

Batteries and Power Banks

With the potential for power shortages, batteries and power banks become indispensable. They can keep essential devices like radios, flashlights, and other electronics operational, making them valuable items for trade.

Tools and Repair Kits

Basic tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, and multi-tools, along with repair kits for clothing and equipment, are essential for maintaining and fixing items. These tools are practical and valuable, especially when new replacements are hard to come by.

Clothing and Footwear

Durable clothing and footwear are necessary for protection against the elements and for daily use. Items such as sturdy boots, warm jackets, and versatile clothing will be highly valued in a barter system, particularly in adverse weather conditions.

Precious Metals and Gems (with Caution)

While gold, silver, and jewellery might hold some value, their practicality in a bartering system is limited compared to other items. Most people will be more interested in practical goods rather than precious metals or jewellery. However, if you do choose to stock these, be prepared to use them as a supplementary bartering item rather than a primary one.

Tips for Successful Bartering

  • Understand Value: Know the value of your items and what others might need or want.

  • Build Relationships: Establish trust with potential trading partners to ensure fair exchanges.

  • Monitor Demand: Stay informed about which items are in high demand within your community.

  • Be Discreet: Keep your stockpile low-profile to avoid theft or unwanted attention.

  • Negotiate Wisely: Be clear about what you need in return and negotiate smartly to ensure you get fair value.


Prepping for a potential SHTF scenario in the UK involves more than just gathering supplies; it requires strategic planning about what will be valuable in a barter economy. By focusing on these top 10 bartering items, you can be well-prepared to trade for the essentials you need to survive and thrive. Remember, practical items will likely be more valuable than precious metals or jewellery in a crisis situation. Prepare wisely, and you'll be better equipped to handle whatever challenges come your way.



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