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The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Communication: Radios, LoRa, and UKSN Resources

Updated: Aug 5

In any emergency or survival situation, effective communication is crucial. Whether you are coordinating with family members, reaching out for help, or staying informed about evolving circumstances, having reliable communication tools can make all the difference. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of communication during emergencies, discuss various devices you can use effectively, highlight some unique resources available through the UKSN, and address the limitations you might encounter.

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Why Communication is Essential in Survival Situations

Communication is the lifeline that connects you to the outside world during an emergency. Here are a few reasons why it's so vital:


Effective communication helps coordinate movements and actions within your group or family, ensuring everyone is on the same page and can act quickly and safely.

Information Gathering

Staying informed about the situation around you—whether it's weather updates, news alerts, or emergency services' instructions—can guide your decision-making and planning.

Requesting Help

Being able to call for help or signal your location can be the difference between life and death in critical situations.

Morale Boost

Maintaining contact with loved ones and receiving updates can significantly boost morale and provide psychological comfort during stressful times.

Key Communication Devices for Survival


Radios are among the most reliable tools for communication during emergencies. They don't rely on cellular networks, making them effective even when phone lines are down.

Types of Radios:

Handheld PMR 446 Two-Way Radios: Ideal for short-range communication. PMR radios are licence free, plus easy to carry and use, making them perfect for coordinating with your group during an evacuation or search and rescue mission.

Ham Radios: For 'long-range' communication, ham radios are unparalleled. They require a license to operate, but they allow you to communicate over vast distances and connect with other ham radio operators who can provide assistance and information.

Did You Know?

The UKSN offers Advanced and Ultimate members access to our radio licence, enabling them to use 4W radios such as the world renowned Baofeng UV-5R legally and effectively. Additionally, we sell preprogrammed radios, ensuring that you have reliable communication tools ready to use out of the box.

Satellite Phones

While more expensive, satellite phones provide communication capabilities in areas where other devices might fail. They can be indispensable in remote locations or during widespread disasters that disrupt terrestrial communication networks.

Mobile Phones with Emergency Apps:

Modern smartphones equipped with emergency apps can be powerful tools. Apps can provide real-time updates, maps, and even offline communication features. Ensure your phone is always charged and consider carrying a portable charger.

Project LoRa and Meshtastic

LoRa (Long Range) communication technology enables long-distance wireless communication with low power consumption. Project LoRa, along with the Meshtastic project, allows for the creation of mesh networks. These networks can connect multiple devices over long distances without relying on traditional infrastructure, making them ideal for large-scale coordination in remote or disaster-stricken areas.

Overcoming Communication Limitations

While these communication tools offer significant advantages, it’s important to be aware of their limitations and how to mitigate them:

Line of Sight:

Radios, particularly handheld and ham radios, often require a clear line of sight for optimal performance. Obstacles like buildings, trees, and mountains can obstruct signals. To mitigate this, try to position yourself on higher ground or in open spaces whenever possible.


The terrain can greatly affect the range and clarity of radio signals. Hilly or mountainous areas can disrupt communication. Using repeaters—devices that receive and retransmit signals—can help extend the range in challenging topographies.

Weather Conditions

Adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain, snow, or electrical storms, can interfere with radio and satellite signals. Plan for alternative communication methods during severe weather and ensure all devices are weather-resistant or properly protected.

Battery Life

Communication devices rely on batteries, which can drain quickly during extended use. Carry extra batteries, portable chargers, or solar chargers to ensure continuous operation.

Regulatory Restrictions:

Some communication devices, especially high-powered radios require licenses or are subject to regulatory restrictions. Ensure you are compliant with the relevant laws and obtain necessary licences.

How to Use These Devices Effectively

Learn the Basics:

Familiarise yourself with the operation of your communication devices. Read manuals, watch tutorials, and practice using them in non-emergency situations.

Regular Maintenance

Keep your devices in good working order. Regularly check batteries, update software, and inspect for any damage.

Create a Communication Plan:

Establish a plan with your Charter or family. Decide on primary and secondary communication methods, designated check-in times, and specific channels or frequencies to use.

Utilise UKSN Resources

As a member of the UKSN, take advantage of the resources available to you. Use the radio licence and consider purchasing preprogrammed radios for ease of use. Engage with other members to share tips and best practices.

UKSN's Unique Communication Resources

Radio Licence for Advanced and Ultimate Members

The UKSN offers a radio licence for advanced and ultimate members. This licence allows you to use 'high-powered' 4W radios legally, enhancing your communication capabilities during emergencies.

Preprogrammed Radios

We sell preprogrammed radios, making it easy for members to have reliable communication tools ready for immediate use. These radios come set up with the necessary frequencies and settings, ensuring seamless operation.

Project LoRa and Meshtastic

Project LoRa and Meshtastic are groundbreaking initiatives that enable long-distance, low-power communication through mesh networks. These projects are perfect for preppers looking to establish robust communication systems that can function independently of traditional infrastructure. Participating in these projects can significantly enhance your emergency preparedness.


Effective communication is a cornerstone of survival. By equipping yourself with reliable communication devices and leveraging the unique resources offered by the UKSN, you can ensure that you are prepared for any emergency. Whether it's coordinating with your group, staying informed, or calling for help, having the right tools and knowledge can make all the difference.

Invest in quality radios, consider the benefits of satellite phones and emergency apps, and explore innovative projects like LoRa and Meshtastic. And remember, as a member of the UKSN, you have access to invaluable resources that can enhance your communication capabilities and overall preparedness.

Stay connected, stay informed, and stay safe. Your ability to communicate effectively can be the key to survival in any situation.



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